August 30, 2019

What Creates Coffee Aroma? Understanding The Chemistry

We drink coffee to enjoy its unique flavor notes and its rich aroma. Chocolate, caramel, almonds, fruits, and flowers are all evoked when we make...

June 25, 2019

How Does Processing Method Impact Coffee Chemistry & Flavor?

Why does a natural processed coffee taste different to a washed? And what makes honey processed coffees so sweet? Processing method has a big impact...

March 28, 2019

What Happens During Coffee Roasting: The Chemical Changes

Do you know what happens when you roast coffee? What changes take place to make green beans into the flavorful, aromatic ones we love? In...

March 12, 2019

Physical changes coffee beans experience during roasting

coffee physical changes during roasting, transforming from a green seed to the aromatic, flavorful bean we love. In this first part of a two-part series,...

February 21, 2019

What Is a Coffee Bean? The Anatomy of The Coffee Cherry

Where does your coffee come from? You may know that coffee is a plant and recognise that the beans came from a bright red coffee...

November 15, 2017

Where Does A Coffee’s Flavor Come From?

There are so many things that contribute towards a coffee’s flavor: the variety, the roast profile, the brew recipe, the processing method… Yet when you...

October 12, 2017

Understanding How a Coffee Tastes – Through a Microscope’s Lens

The first time I cupped coffee, like many, I struggled to understand acidity. I didn’t understand where all the aromas were coming from. And I...